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MEGREZ \ZDRAVIE Z PRÍRODY\ is located in Bratislava, Slovakia on Miletičova 15. MEGREZ \ZDRAVIE Z PRÍRODY\ is rated 1.0 out of 5 in the category [CATEGORY] in Slovakia.
(Translated by Google) Hello, unfortunately, I also came across MEGREZ and I have a very bad experience. The Lord owes us about 200 for the goods collected. Before picking up the goods he always picked up the phones and communicated willingly. As soon as I started talking to him about paying the invoice, all communication on his part stopped and he was not answering the phone. I DO NOT RECOMMEND this business. (Original) Dobrý den, bohužel jsem na firmu MEGREZ také narazil a mám velmi špatnou zkušenost. Pán nám dluží cca 200 za odebrané zboží. Před odběrem zboží vždy zvedal telefony a ochotně komunikoval. Jakmile jsem se mu začal ozýval ohledně uhrazení faktury, veškerá komunikace z jeho strany ustala a nezvedá telefon. Tuto firmu NEDOPORUČUJI.
(Translated by Google) I agree with the previous review of this trade-visit of this store I recommend only those who suffer from low pressure and do not like it (high quality and especially in second) to increase. I had the honor of meeting the business card, a master who was arrogant, taught, uncomfortable, and behaving very ineffectively. I only used this place to pick up the goods, and I was shocked by my nostril at the entrance, and I tried to be nice even though it raised my voice. For the coffee I had ironically brought me to cut the wait (until I found my password), he asked 0.50 - by the way, he felt worse than mud. I will personally pick up my goods in Bardejov before going to this bullshit! (Original) Súhlasím s predchádzajúcou recenziou na tento obchod- návštevu tohto obchodu odporúčam iba tým, ktorí trpia na nízky tlak a nemajú si ho ako (kvalitne a hlavne v sekunde ) zvýšiť. Mala som tú česť stretnúť vizitku tohto obchodu, pána, ktorý bol arogantný, ofučaný, nepríjemný a správal sa veľmi neúctivo. Toto miesto som využila iba na vyzdvihnutie tovaru, pričom hneď pri vstupe ma šokoval svojou náturou a to som sa snažila byť milá, aj keď na mňa zvyšoval hlas. Za kávu, ktorú mi ironicky priniesol, aby si skrátil čakanie ( kým som našla heslo) si vypýtal 0,50 - mimochodom chutila horšie ako blato. Nabudúce si svoj tovar radšej osobne vyzdvihnem v Bardejove, než ísť k tomuto hulvátovi!
(Translated by Google) Very unreliable business. We owe more than EUR 500 to us as suppliers of healthy products! I recommend going elsewhere! (Original) Velmi neseriózní obchod. Nám jako dodavateli zdravých produktů dluží přes 500 EUR! Doporučuji chodit jinam!
(Translated by Google) Although this shop provides various organic products and services mail order, I do not recommend the shop from personal experience! I'll never forget about what I've been waiting for at this point, and I'll never visit the store again. (Original) Spomínaný obchod síce poskytuje rôzne bio výrobky a služby zásielkovne, z osobnej skúsenosti obchod nedoporučujem! Na jednanie akého som sa dočakala na tomto mieste nikdy nezabudnem a obchodík už nikdy nenavštívim.
Miletičova 15821 08 BratislavaSlovakia
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